Seasonal Workers Traning & Care Center
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Seasonal Workers
Training and Care Center

Startup companies often hire full-time and part-time employees, but may hire additional help during busy times in Korea.

Seasonal Workers Training and Care Center (Myanmar) provides training for healthy and active workers who want to work in Korea. Having a seasonal job can provide additional income; it offers benefits such as work experience and opportunities to explore different areas of interest.

SWTCC’s improvement of working conditions and protection of human rights for seasonal workers.

In partnership with Medical Insurance in Korea, offer a health insurance plan specially designed for workers to get affordable health care while working.

Provide interpretation and counseling services to seasonal workers.

Operate Korea & Myanmar both side “Training, Caring and Monitoring Group” to “Check Compliance”.



Seasonal workers perform better when they feel connected to the organization and their co-workers.



Share growth opportunities. Connect people to a purpose. Highlight growth opportunity. Recognize good work. Be flexible.

What We Do

The Purpose

  • To solve Myanmar’s current job shortage
  • Myanmar citizens who come to Korea as seasonal workers to increase their income appropriately.
  • To solve Korea’s current demand for seasonal workers
  • To further develop the friendship between Korea and Myanmar
  • To facilitate business between the two countries

Chairman Message

There is a high demand for seasonal workers in Korea year by year. We will fulfill this requirement from Myanmar. By fulfilling this, Myanmar’s rural farmers will have a decent income and have established a Seasonal Workers Training and Care Center with the aim of improving agricultural knowledge and skills.

The large area of cultivated land in Myanmar, which has natural resources and good climates, Due to the abundance of human resources, it is very close to becoming an advanced agricultural country.

We believe that Myanmar will develop in the near future by supporting human resources with agricultural knowledge and skills. In order to become a progressive agricultural country, we think that it will be more beneficial if human resources are personally exposed to modern agricultural technologies. Only by carrying out such work will you get reasonable income.

Therefore, we established the Seasonal Workers Training and Care Center to send qualified workers.

Organization Chart

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